What I wore today :

Please do ignore the face. Second time out wearing this Yves Saint Laurent cage boot-inspired high heels. After 3 hours walking with it, I now declare that by far, this is the most painful heels to wear. ALL of my toes hurts like hell. Nice one.
I manage to buy :

Gwin red wooden platform from Aldo. My first 5-inch (:

Grey brouges

White V-neck , cream lace top and studded bangle from FOREVER 21.
I'm tired, I'm tired, I'm tired, My feet hurts like hell, My feet hurts like hell, My feet hurts like hell, I'm tired, I'm tired, I'm ti- mm hot coco. Yum !
ooh i love what your wearing dear ;D
I saw tht shoe at Aldo gak ,x sangka u beli. HAHA tahu la sale!
Err Mika si Fashion Maniac :)
ohmagod, the cage boot is just breath taking mika!
ari : hihi thnks yo ! :D
dee : haha i nak beli this black stiletto, but then i nmpk yg merah tuu. i fikir2 balik i ada baju kurung merah so nak pakai dgn heels tu nnti. and tgh sale kaaan, murah kot hahahah :D
murni : hihi manada lah murni ;p
leeya : oh thnks leeya, but wearing it is soooo painful, boleh pakai fr 2 hours lebih je, if not urgh sakiittt :/
that cage boot you are wearing is so cool as well as the red platform! sumpah lawa :)
oh thanks dear (: the red platform is on sale now, so go and get it quickly ! hihi
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