Thursday, October 29, 2009


So here I am now, in my new room in a new house in Section 8. Yes, I am moving from my old house. But it's not official yet, I still live at my old house. The King said that we'll probably move here officially next week. But I'll be sleeping here tomorrow. I came here to do some cleaning around with the maids. Even tho' my new room is a bit smaller than the old one, I am loving it's calm atmosphere. Anyways, some of the guys are coming tomorrow to recite Yassin and such.

I ask Farid whether he's free tomorrow and can he come. I also ask him to bring his friends along. So all hail Farid (!) Okay I need to pee, hold up.

Alright I'm back. My birthday is this Saturday *giggle. I am finally turning 17 ! :D


Anas said...

aku dtg! kot. haha.

MIKA said...


Aliyah said...

just asking, u tinggal kat jln mendapan ke?

MIKA said...

yeah, i moved here recently (:

Aliyah said...

oh yeah? on in dat case we are neighbours. hahaha anyway, i think u already know kot, cikgu khairun aznida pun tinggal in the same road. :)

wasim said...

nice blog....!

Work From Home India