Tuesday, September 8, 2009


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Aggy is so pretty, I'm willing to turn Lesbian for her.

I'm guessing Accounts must really hate me.
Out of 5 questions, I manage to do one of them confidently.
While the other 4 leave me dumbfounded.
After the first hour, I end up staring blankly at the examination paper.
Around 12.15, I decided to continue having wet dreams about Torres at home,
Before I start to drool out of nowhere.

p/s : The King & Queen - Haji in Makkah from 17/11/2009 - 3/12/2009. I am sad for their absence while I am facing SPM. After all, I'll face SPM once in my lifetime (unless I screwed up). But then The Queen always dreamt of doing her haji, so let's think of it this way :

The Queen + Haji = Extremely happy = More money + New Shoes

'Hidup mesti pandai main'

1 comment:

FIKA + said...

yeah account is such a killer subjects :/
