Saturday, September 13, 2008

Gather around, people.

Me and my friends went to 'berbuka' at Mcd9 together and it's the highlight of the week. We had so much fun together but too bad Awaina and Wawa couldn't join us. So, pictures !

Us, I'm at the back ! :-)

Anis and Arep

Banyaknya you makan, Iley !

Actually we BOTH eat a lot ! Haha

Didi, Awateef, Iley, Diyana

Makan je -.-'

M'mm Awateef's not feeling it, Diyana !


Their I/C picture. Hahahaha !

Drink, you dumbass !

Konon nak shopping ;-)

Haha Boxers, anyone ?

Big Boxers

I'm On Top Of The Beauty Pyramid

Macam Monyet lah you haha

Wohoo High High !

The After-Party ;-)

Good times !

Have a nice day,

1 comment:

Ili Zahirah said...

umy best gila jadi gay you :)) hahahahahaha. btw i had fun kot lompat lompat dgn you, and im not monkey you donkey ! haha , i love you lah makcik (: